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Chatting Supplements: Carbohydrates (Cyclic Dextrin, Maltodextrin & Dextrose)

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Welcome back to Chat Sh*t Get Fit - Chatting Supplements. This week we explore the world of carbohydrate supplementation focusing on 3 particular types. Cyclic Dextrin (Most Expensive), Maltodextrose and Dextrose (Lease expensive) All have a similar goal of improving performance essentially allowing you to go harder for longer. But are all created equal?


We take a look at what these things actually are and then dive into the latest scientific research on them to see if there's any benefit to be had! One particular paper on swimming proved very enlightening! (Although the dose was really high!)


We also discuss if it's worth taking these supplements and whom they might be best suited to. Before any supplementation, though you should try through your diet hence why towards the end we give some information on what your rough total daily carb intake should be.


Footage of Marmiteageddon (On our YouTube - Check button top of screen!)


If you have diabetes please consult a medical professional before any carbohydrate supplement is taken. This goes for everyone but due to the nature of these types of supplements, those with diabetes are at greater health risk.


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Want to support the Podcast? We have a discount code (PRIMAL10) for a fantastic coffee brand. Cannonball Coffee. Great tasting and super powerful which WILL give you a boost in the gym. We spoke to Cannonball Coffee on a previous podcast and you can listen to that here to see why we are such fans. So if you want to support us in some small way and get some great coffee head to and use code PRIMAL10 for 10% off any order.


New to the show? Head back to episode 1 "Let's Chat, Covid & Fitness" where we give an introduction into who we are and talk about the current state of ourselves and the fitness industry during this covid pandemic


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Studies Mentioned

Carbohydrate Supplementation during Exercise

Evaluation of Exercise Performance with the Intake of Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin in Athletes

A Sports Drink Based on Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin Generates Few Gastrointestinal Disorders in Untrained Men during Bicycle Exercise

Fluids Containing a Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin Influence the Gastric Emptying Rate

Effects of ingesting highly branched cyclic dextrin during endurance exercise on rating of perceived exertion and blood components associated with energy metabolism

Factors limiting gastric emptying during rest and exercise 

Nutrition, Health, and Regulatory Aspects of Digestible Maltodextrin

Fructose Coingestion Does Not Accelerate Postexercise Muscle Glycogen Repletion

Carbohydrate requirements of elite athletes


Acute Maltodextrin Supplementation During Resistance Exercise

ISSN exercise & sports nutrition

Ingestion of High Molecular Weight Carbohydrate Enhances Subsequent Repeated Maximal Power

Post-exercise ingestion of a unique, high molecular weight glucose polymer solution improves performance during a subsequent bout of cycling exercise

Food For Sports Performance

Carbohydrates for training and competition

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